So.... WATOC2020 is finally happening! Check out posters by Amir, Amer and Mostafa, on symmetry breaking, interpretable machine learning and locality of correlations respectively, and my presentation on eFMD.
Last year, my first post-doc advisor and mentor David J Rowe has passed away. This weekend, we will celebrate David's scientific legacy at UofT, including a presentation by yours truly on the work I initiated while at UofT.
There is a vacancy for a graduate student PhD/MSc in the quantum group at the interface of machine learning and quantum many-body theory. See the vacancies for more information.
update: the vacancy has been filled.
Niels Billiet and Daria Tolstykh from GQCG are currently visiting the quantum group at UNB, working on Machine Learning methods in quantum chemisty. Financial support from NBIF RAI program for Daria's internship is greatly appreciated
Our paper on the Birkhoff theorem for doubly stochastic unitary matrices of prime-power dimension got published. Thanks to the anonymous referee for strenthening the structure of the paper.
Joint work with Alex De Vos.
There are opportunities for a PhD student and postdoctoral associate
to join our group at UNB.
Our paper on the most general parametrizaiton of the XYZ Richardson-Gaudin Hamiltonian in the presence of an arbitrary magnetic field is published as a letter in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical.
Interestingly, everything can be understood in the framework of the eigenvalue-based formalism.
Joint work with Pieter Claeys, Claude Dimo and Alexandre Faribault
Starting April 2019, I will join the Department of Chemistry at the University of New Brunswick as a Canada Research Chair, Tier 2. Can't wait to start this exciting new chapter!
A big thanx for all those who made this possible!
New possibilities for MSc/PhD students and postdoctoral researchers will be communicated shortly.
Last week, our paper on a new episode of the Birkhoff theorem for doubly stochastic unitary matrices appeared on the arxiv. It presents an efficient Birkhoff decomposition for unitary matrices of a prime-power dimension pw with the number of terms in the expansion not exceeding the order of the general affine group GA(w,p).
Joint work with Alex De Vos.
All comments are welcome!
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